On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 13:51 +0100, Neil Greenwood
<neil.greenwood....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 26 May 2010 07:29, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berke...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 20:58 +0100, Matthew Daubney
> <m...@daubers.co.uk>
> > wrote:
> >> This is an incredibly dangerous idea. When you're mucking around 
> >> with partitions it is very, _very_, UNsafe to have the _device_ 
> >> mounted. Having been building storage systems for the past 8 
> >> months, I've dealt with things in terrible states, one of the 
> >> causes being people believing that repartitioning with a volume 
> >> mounted is a good idea. Matt Daubney

> > Thank you Matt for telling me that you have actually seen drives 
> > messed up in this way. I still wonder why it should be so incredibly
> > dangerous but you have convinced me that it is. Rowan

> The why is because other programs could be trying to update bits of
> the disc as gparted tries to move it. It's a bit like trying to change
> the wheel on a car that doesn't have the handbrake on - it *might* not
> move... Cofion/Regards, Neil.

Quite so, but all the program files and associated data are in sda1,
which remains mounted. The only things in the partitions that are being
moved are the swap space and the user files. The swap space could
certainly be called on while one was moving it, but there are special
procedures to cope with this, namely making a new swap space where you
want it, then somehow setting the machine to switch over from using the
old swap space to the new swap space next time it starts up, thus
avoiding any overlaps. At least, I assume that is the idea. The user
files (My Documents, My Music, etc.) are not updated by anything. The
whole essence of this is that one is not talking about unmounting the
entire internal hard disk; each partition can be separately mounted and
unmounted, hopefully without affecting the others.

What, by the way, does 'Cofion' mean?


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