On 24 July 2010 12:34, doug livesey <biot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi -- a local shop got sold a Dell with 1gig RAM running a 64 bit version
> of Windows a couple of weeks ago, and they are saying that it is running
> really slowly.
> As it's an independent shop I use lots & want to support (support your
> local bookshop!), I've offered to set it up as dual-boot with Ubuntu to see
> if they prefer that, and then to either return it to M$ or convert fully to
> Ubuntu depending on which they prefer.
> My question is, should I go with the 32 or 64 bit Ubuntu? The Ubuntu page
> recommends 32 bit for most users, and it's not a high-powered machine, but
> it is already running a 64 bit OS (albeit one that could be part of the
> problem -- I don't know enough about these things).
> Oh, and I've told them to have a think about everything they use it for,
> but from an initial conversation everything is easily do-able in Ubuntu,
> and, more importantly, easy for me to show them.
> Any & all advice appreciated,
>    Doug.

If its a brand new machine, I would be tempted to use 64bit Ubuntu,
especially if the shop plan to keep the machine for several years (for the
same reason mentioned by Allan Bell)

However, if the shop are likely to want to buy support from Ubuntu, I am not
aware if it makes a difference if its 32bit or 64bit desktop (hopefully
not), so you might want to check that out.

John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com

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