I was at the presentations yesterday for the Young Rewired State
hackweek http://rewiredstate.org/young lots of young people, including
our very own Isabell Long throwing together applications and mashups
based on government data. Joe O'Dell was along as well, but sadly was
too young to fully take part this year! There was a panel of judges
including Andrew Stott, the government Director of Digital Engagement.
Isabell's application GovSpark won a special prize for the app most
likely to irritate the civil service which is great! The event is much
more about Open Data than Open Source, the laptop of choice for the next
generation of technology leaders is clearly the Macbook, but there were
a number of Ubuntu laptops present (in fact the Manchester team did 20
application demos on Tim Dobson's Ubuntu laptop).

The Young Rewired State will be run again next year, but they are
looking for more sponsorship if you know an organisation interested in
promoting technology innovation then point them in the direction of



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