On 3 September 2010 09:50, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Once again I lost my shutdown function; not only did shutdown vanish
> from my main menu, but when I added the Session Indicator Applet to the
> panel, the shutdown option on this did not work either; only the user
> switcher option worked. Therefore, I had to shutdown by pressing and
> holding the power button. This being the second time this has happened,
> I should like to know, what are the dangers of doing a hard shutdown?

I'm not an expert on the dangers of a hard shutdown, but I would
imagine that there's the possibility of data loss when partitions
aren't unmounted properly.

A couple of times I've had the shutdown option on the menu fail on me,
but I normally get round it but using:

sudo shutdown -h now

See man shutdown for the various options.

I believe there is a halt command too, but I've always just used shutdown.



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