but what would you do on a server, when the physical power button does

On 3 September 2010 13:41, Glen Mehn <glen.m...@oba.co.uk> wrote:

>  when you do the power pull, you could have data corruption for
> anything that's not written to the filesystem (the details of this are
> a) very boring and b) vary by filesystem.
> To avoid problems, stop (or kill) all running programs, and do:
> sudo halt
> or
> sudo shutdown -h now
> (which is what the poweroff button calls in any case)
> It's not the end of the world, but I have had wedged systems with
> unkillable files and whatnot before. Typically, you can reinstall the
> affected applications if you know what they are.
> Best,
> Glen
> On 03/09/10 09:50, Rowan Berkeley wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Once again I lost my shutdown function; not only did shutdown vanish
> > from my main menu, but when I added the Session Indicator Applet to the
> > panel, the shutdown option on this did not work either; only the user
> > switcher option worked. Therefore, I had to shutdown by pressing and
> > holding the power button. This being the second time this has happened,
> > I should like to know, what are the dangers of doing a hard shutdown?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Rowan
> >
> >
> --
> Glen Mehn
> glen.m...@oba.co.uk
> skype: glenmehn | blog: http://glen.mehn.net/mba
> UK: +44(0)7942 675 755 | US: +1 415 704 4737
> --
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