using CTRL+ALT+DEL would work, just kill the power when the bios runs again

On 3 September 2010 11:21, Andy Braben <> wrote:

> Having had someone mention this problem to me and solved it via a hard
> shut down, my advice was to NEVER hard shutdown, but to press
> ctrl+alt+delete and select shutdown from the dialog box that appears.
> That worked perfectly and seems to be the simplest option which does
> not involve the command line. However another command line option is
> simply "sudo poweroff".
> Regards,
> Andy.
> On 3 September 2010 10:51, Rowan Berkeley <>
> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 10:01:28 +0100, John Matthews <>
> > wrote:
> >>   On 03/09/10 09:50, Rowan Berkeley wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> > Once again I lost my shutdown function; not only did shutdown vanish
> >> > from my main menu, but when I added the Session Indicator Applet to
> >> > the panel, the shutdown option on this did not work either; only the
> >> > user switcher option worked. Therefore, I had to shutdown by
> >> > pressing and holding the power button. This being the second time
> >> > this has happened, I should like to know, what are the dangers of
> >> > doing a hard shutdown? Thanks, Rowan
> >>
> >> This has happened to me on a couple of occasions, and not sure why.
> >> But I got around a hard shut down, by clicking on switching user, and
> >> on the sign in page, you have the option there in the right hand
> >> corner of restart, or shutting down and other options. At least mine
> >> does. As for the loss of the button, I did sudo aptitude update then
> >> sudo aptitude upgrade, and it seemed to bring the button and options
> >> back. Have no idea if it was the right thing to do, but that worked
> >> for me. John.
> >
> > On this last occasion I got to the sign in page (what I referred to as
> > the 'user switcher' above) and the shutdown from there didn't work
> > either. This suggests to me that it isn't just a matter of some
> > particular menu item, link, launcher or button pointing to the shutdown
> > sequence vanishing, it is the ability to shutdown itself, from anywhere
> > in the GUI, that vanishes. I shall certainly use "sudo shutdown -h now"
> > if/when it happens in future. Thanks to all.
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --

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