Hi there .... 

Just thought others might be interested in my experience of video
editing.  I tried PiTiVi and was disappointed in the output quality.  No
matter what options I tried, the result suffered from pattern
interference introduced during the render.  

Kino captures and edits just fine and there is no unwanted interference.
I am now using Kino to capture and edit but not to render.  I am then
importing the result into DeViDe which is an excellent GUI that makes a
DVD iso out of any video file you've got.  This app seems to render very
well.  I've not been able to get a result like this from any of the
other offerings so far.  It also has loads of options, and the ability
to make a quick preview to test options out.

Regards,                Barry Drake.
Sent from my Dell Netbook using Ubuntu - the window-free environment
that gives me real fresh air.


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