On Tue, 2011-01-11 at 10:39 +0000, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
> On 07/01/11 15:22, Tony Pursell wrote:
> >
> > And so does my Logitech C250. Cheap and worked in 10.04 and 10.10.
> >
> One more question - can you confirm that the microphone works as well as 
> the camera?

Yes indeed it does - It was an important factor in my decision to buy it
as I have never been able to get the mic on my headphones working.  The
mic is not always enabled for some reason but I put that down to Ubuntu
being a bit fickle. It's easily enabled on the input tab of Sound

I bought two of them because it wasn't worth paying the carriage on just
one.  My wife uses the other one for her Windows Laptop.



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