On 22/02/11 15:26, Hassan "Haz" Williamson wrote:
On 20 February 2011 13:54, Liam Proven <lpro...@gmail.com
<mailto:lpro...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    *Please*, do not use that bulletin-board style "@Liam" thing again, to
    anyone on any mailing list. I missed your message because it wasn't
    threaded as a response to me.

My sincerest apologies, I shall avoid doing so in future. I've been
trying to get my head around what you meant, and I hope the method I
used above is the appropriate way you were referring to.


Hassan, if you are replying to several people in one message then using @soandso is fine by me. :-)

I do not think we need to be so prescriptive as to require rules about the syntax of how to reply.

It's the same as top or bottom posting. I prefer bottom posting, but it's not the end of the world if peeps use top.

This just is a mailing list for any one (normal people & geeks) to discuss Ubuntu related stuff.


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