On 20/02/11 13:54, Liam Proven wrote:

The following, although it may seem petter, isn't. It's important. I
don't want to seem ungrateful but it's kind of a big deal.

For you it maybe. For many others I doubt it very much.

*Please*, do not use that bulletin-board style "@Liam" thing again, to
anyone on any mailing list. I missed your message because it wasn't
threaded as a response to me.

Is that an order to everyone? I'm not sure I like being ordered about how to reply to a mailing list...

There are *all* kinds of folks on here who have their own motivations, skill levels and experience. I think we all need to be as welcoming and accommodating as possible.



PS: I'm reading, writing and replying to this, and many other mailing lists, via nntp on gmane.org - this message will probably be in the right place in my newsgroup thread if I decide to view it threaded; although mostly I view by *date* anyway.

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