On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 14:48:49 +0100, Hassan "Haz" Williamson wrote:
Hi Haz (and others that replied)

Thanks again for the comments.

Hi Jon,

At the risk of sound a little harsh/blunt, I highly recommend you get
it checked out sooner rather than later. I cannot stress how much risk
your putting yourself into by not doing so. When you visit them, as
mentioned by others, they'll say "Use the computer less." However, you
_must_ ask to be referred to a specialist. Don't just let them leave
you feeling like you wasted your time.

I'm sure you've done a bit of research on this, so I'll spare you the
biology lesson... but remember CTS is a consequence of RSI, they are
not one and the same thing! RSI causes your CT to separate or break
(thus CTS). The longer you leave it, the worse it can get (and it will
be permanent!)

Also, if you do begin to do exercises and other various things...
remember, don't stop doing it just because the pain has disappeared
(it took me >2 months to recover). Try to keep doing them as a regular routine throughout, not only will it help stop the pain now... it will
help prevent it from happening in future.

I wish you good luck, and a speedy recovery.

Kindest Regards,


Thanks for your concern, I will make that appointment. I know I should regardless of the cause, as its been on and off for too long now.

I imagine I will have to be quite insistent on seeing the specialist as my GP is rather laid back and will probably tell me to stop being a girl!

Cheers and regards,

Jon Reynolds


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