Well thanks for the replies. I think my first action will be a lad under the 
wrist as this seems to make most sense to me. It just feels like I've been 
holding my hand slightly upward over a mouse (sometimes jiggling furiously all 
day) for too long. 

Of course there's always the possibility that it's an unrelated injury but 
that's hard to diagnose. 

Thanks again. 

Jon Reynolds (j0nr) 
Jon Reynolds 

Roger Lancefield <rlancefi...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 25 March 2011 16:14, Jon Reynolds <maill...@jcrdevelopments.com> wrote: > 
Hello folks, > > Am sure as all of you are computer users, some probably quite 
prolific (as > coders etc), that some of you have had experience with RSI. > > 
I have had a bad wrist for a few years now on and off. It always seemed to > go 
away but recently (last 4-6months) it seems to be here and not going > away. > 
> Basically I get a pain in the inside corner of my wrist when it is bent > 
back, i.e. in a position to do push ups. I cannot push things (e.g. doing > 
push ups) without it hurting and shaking it (shaking inside-out socks) hurts > 
too. > > I have tried wearing a wrist strap (like a sports one) for the last 
few > weeks but it doesn't seem to be making much difference. > > I am a CAD 
user by day, which is very mouse-dependant, but also do an amount > of typing, 
but I think the mouse usage is the main culprit as its always > semi-hovering 
as I manoeuvre the mouse. > > I am wondering if anyone else
has had experiences like this and how they got > rid of it? Maybe those little 
cushioned mouse mats, where you rest your > wrist on a small cushion would 
help. > > Thanks, > > Jon Reynolds (j0nr) > www.jcrdevelopments.com I've 
suffered from RSI on and off over the years. My self-prescribed treatments have 
included using differently shaped peripherals in order to give the affected 
joint different "angles" of use, e.g. alternating between a Microsoft ergonomic 
keyboard and a standard keyboard, different-shaped mice, and a few years back, 
when my lower back was giving me problems I alternated every 30 mins or so 
between an office chair and a space-hopper-style exercise ball. One other tip, 
it's well worth considering professional (or good amateur) massage on the 
affected limbm and even beyond it. While it may feel like the pain is very 
local, in say the wrist, having a thorough massage right up to the shoulder and 
beyond can work wonders, at least in my experience. Oh and if you go for
shiatsu, try to find the real Japanese thumb-pressure kind, not the trendy 
"holistic" derivatives commonly found on Clapham High Street ;) Of course, any 
treatment should really be combined with rest, but that's not an option for 
many of us, I know. Best of luck with the treatment. Roger 


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