On 18 May 2011 13:39, Liam Proven <lpro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 18 May 2011 08:19, Colin Law <clan...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> On 17 May 2011 23:15, Liam Proven <lpro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 17 May 2011 21:07, Colin Law <clan...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 17 May 2011 17:33, Alan Pope <a...@popey.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 17 May 2011 17:29, Liam Proven <lpro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Did you know that you can middle-click on the title bar to send a
>>>>>> window to the back of the stack? It's very handy. That is the one
>>>>>> Linux feature I most miss when using Windows - I curse its absence
>>>>>> several times an hour.
>>>>> I did not know this. Will have fun with that tonight.
>>>> Sadly it is not yet implemented on Unity-2d, so I have to wait a bit for 
>>>> that.
>>> Are you *absolutely 100% sure?* I am fairly certain that I've used
>>> this on my notebook since I upgraded - it's something I use /all the
>>> time./ I recall doing it at lunchtime today, in fact, although I
>>> wouldn't stake my life on it - but I recall using it to send my Gmail
>>> window behind
>>> It's a window-manager feature, not anything to do with the launcher at
>>> all. It works in every WM I've tried recently, from KWM to IceWM to
>>> WindowMaker.
>> Have you tried Unity-2D (not the regular Unity)?  It is certainly not
>> working for me whereas it does on the regular Unity.  I can run the
>> regular Unity if I only use my laptop screen but when I add an
>> external one the virtual display is too large for the graphics chip to
>> run 3D so I have to drop back to 2D.  I assumed it was a Unity 2D
>> issue as there are a number of other hot keys not yet implemented.
> Yes, I was talking specifically about Unity 2D. My Thinkpad X31 does
> not have hardware 3D that is recognised or supported by Ubuntu. Unity
> 2D is the first time I've been able to play with a fully-functional
> netbook-style launcher on this machine.
> I have just come onto Gmail on the Thinkpad, specifically to test this
> functionality, and yes, it is present and working exactly as I
> described. If you have one window in front of another and you
> middle-click the titlebar of the front window, it instantly puts it
> behind the other window(s).
> In other words, the functionality is present and working as it has
> been for years - since Ubuntu 4.10 in 2004, AFAICR.
> Furthermore, this is *windowmanager* functionality, nothing to do with
> Unity, Unity 2D, GNOME or anything else. Unity 2D does not need to
> implement it as it has absolutely nothing to do with Unity, 2D, 3D or
> 42D.

I see we have been talking at cross purposes, the original reference
to a similar feature was by John Stevenson:

On 16 May 2011 21:53, John Stevenson <j...@jr0cket.com> wrote:
> Cycle through all application windows on a workspace by middle mouse click on 
> the top panel - in the gap
> between the menu and the indicators

which is referring to middle clicking the top panel, I had not noticed
that this has migrated into that of middle clicking an individual
window's title bar, which does work.  Middle clicking the top panel is
more convenient as it cycles through the windows without moving the
mouse, and this does not yet work on Unity-2D.

Apologies for the confusion.



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