On 22 September 2011 10:50, alan c <aecl...@candt.waitrose.com> wrote:

> On 22/09/11 09:47, Paul Sutton wrote:
> > We would have to do a lot of awareness raising and support things like
> > install days to get round things like this.   as the borg say "we will
> > adapt"
> The FLOSS world's lack of competence, or even appetite, for publicity
> or marketing is the elephant in the room.
> 1) FLOSS, GNU/Linux etc, 'marketing' is pretty well non existent
> compared to non free products. 'I advertise, therefore I exist'
> (apologies to Descartes).
> 2) Of all things, marketing is -very- unsuited to the free libre,
> distributed model.
Marketing, maybe, promotion not. I would argue that that is pretty much why
Ubuntu exists, to create a user-friendly Linux and to encourage its use.

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"Is this your sanderling?"

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