On 11/10/2011 17:43, James Tait wrote:
On 11/10/11 14:27, Simon Greenwood wrote:
As far as I remember, synching isn't simultaneous and there is a polling
interval, which I think is ten minutes. I'm sure James will be able to
confirm that.

I actually work on the server side, specifically the web interface, and know embarrassingly little about the desktop client.

I do know at a fairly high level, though, that the desktop client maintains a connection to the Ubuntu One servers and monitors synchronised directories for changes.

Those changes are then synchronised on the server (hence they appear instantaneously in the web interface) and a signal is sent to all connected clients, causing them to download the updated files. You can see all this in your syncdaemon log in $HOME/.cache/ubuntuone/log or in the syncdaemon source code, if you're so inclined.

There are lots of reasons why the updates might not be happening as quickly as expected, including network flakiness, network traffic or system load at either end or in between, server updates, service outages....

As a test, I created a file on my Natty desktop in a folder I have shared with my wife and it appeared on her desktop within a few minutes of resuming from suspend.


Thanks for that information - its gone a long way to answering my questions.
On an aside, do you know if there are any plans to introduce LAN synching, like Dropbox? Now that IS instantaneous between different machines...


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