On 18 April 2012 16:44, Simon Greenwood <sfgreenw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 18 April 2012 16:07, Barry Drake <ubuntu-advertis...@gmx.com> wrote:
>> I've just put 12.04 on my Samsung N150 netbook.  Previously, I've had to
>> do various tweaks to get things fully working, but with 12.04, everything
>> worked out of the box.  Fantastic.
>> The only problem was starting off with the 'upgrade' option on the Live CD
>> installer.  This was a miserable failure in several ways  including a
>> non-working installation of the Ubuntu Software Centre.  I don't want to go
>> into all the details, but I've never yet got 'Upgrade', either online or
>> from a live CD to work properly.  It was quicker and easier to re-install.
> In a good 15 years of using Linux, I've never had an upgrade in place work
> properly. It would be far more reliable for an image install to offer to
> back up your data, create a clean install and restore.

I have never had one fail (not 15 years admittedly but a number of
upgrades).  I always purge any PPAs I am using first.

Also remember that if you install over an existing one but tell it not
to format the partition then it will leave the home directory in place
so effectively doing what you are asking.

Of course with a Beta version (which is the case for the OP) then
nothing is guaranteed.



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