On 30/04/12 15:48, Keith Burnett wrote:
Hi James

No, its just like last time. Two shift-alt-SysRq-b restarts later
I've purged ubuntuone-client. I use dropbox to sync PC to netbook,
which is horribly hassle free in comparison.

It is a shame that I can't brag about Ubuntu One. I appreciate that
there might be a bit more traffic than usual at the moment.

I found U1 to be very good with smallish files and a bit burdened with large files - I experimented with zipped files of 2GB or more, which would be useful for me. From Ubuntu 11.10 it was not too bad but it was hard to keep track of what stage it was at in a long upload process - my down / up is 7M/100K. sending tens of GB up takes many many days and nights, non stop.

alan cocks


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