On 7 May 2012 09:08, Barry Drake <ubuntu-advertis...@gmx.com> wrote:

> On 06/05/12 23:16, Tony Pursell wrote:
>> All the computers I use now have an option to show a boot menu.  Usually
>> something like Esc or F12.  Sometimes this shown as an option when the
>> computer is starting up, sometimes not.  My desktop tells me it is Esc, my
>> two EEEPCs don't tell me, but it is still Esc.  So I don't need to go into
>> the BIOS to change the boot sequence.  Maybe your chap can find a boot menu
>> option and you can avoid any mention of the BIOS.
> This particular guy says it is an older computer.  I have no information
> from him about hardware.  The thing is, Windows folk who don't know
> anything about bios settings or boot menus haven't a clue how to find out -
> most Dell computers kindly show the options briefly on the boot flash
> screen, but a lot deliberately don't do.  It would be far easier if mobo
> manufacturers adopted some sort of standard.
My HP Pavillion desktop PC is six years old and has a boot menu feature.  I
haven't fired up my 14 year old Dell recently but I bet it hasn't got a
boot menu or will boot from a USB stick.


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