On 07/08/12 15:08, Adam Funk wrote:
Thanks very much to everyone who replied. Unfortunately, having looked at the up-front prices for PAYG, and the total costs of the contracts, I've decided to just use the public library's wi-fi for a holiday (self-catering in the UK but without an internet connection). I'll file the information away in case I change my mind later, though. Thank, Adam

I got an unlocked dongle on e-bay really cheaply, and then looked for the best deal for PAYG connection - at that time it was on 3 but currently I believe TalkMobile is the best bet unless you want a lot of data. They cap at 25p per day for no more than 50mb which does for e-mails and a bit of browsing. I've used my dongle on 3, Virgin media, t-mobile and TalkMobile - whichever is best for the moment.

Regards,        Barry.

Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.


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