
In a superb case of timing I did exactly this last week...

I have a very old box that backs up the contents of my home server every week.
It all started as I wanted NFS4 on the backup server (see my other thread), and as Dapper has gone end of life now it seemed the perfect time to bring the box up to date.
Wanting an easy life, I just upgraded  from 6.06 to 8.04. That was the first gotcha - the repos don't exist any more, you need to fix the apt sources list to add "old-versions" lines.
After that the upgrade sailed (slowly) through. Then onto 10.04 was fine too, moving to 12.04 came the second gotcha - the infamous 'cmov' / PAE issue.
My box (though I'd quiet forgotten it) is based on cutting edge* Pentium II technology using the i386 kernel and it's no longer supported by mainstream Ubuntu. 
So I appear to be stuck on 10.04... hmm.... Shame, as the box has been doing sterling service for the last five years...

* circa 1997.

On 27/11/12 14:13, Paul Tansom wrote:
I have a server (i.e. no desktop software, X, or etc. - not that this necessarily follows, but it does with me!)...

...anyway, this server is currently running Ubuntu 6.06LTS and I need to upgrade to 12.04LTS. Clearly I have two options, either upgrade or reinstall. Reinstall seems safer, bar the fact that there is some software that I would need to disect the configuration of to reinstate (a backup using BoxBackup to be precise); that points towards a step by step upgrade path (8.04, 10.04 and 12.04), but I'm somewhat nervous of the number of possible gotchas present in this. Has anyone done this and could comment? Did it go smoothly?!


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