On 04/02/13 12:07, Colin Law wrote:
On 4 February 2013 12:01, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berke...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 04/02/13 11:46, Colin Law wrote:
On 4 February 2013 11:40, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berke...@gmail.com> wrote:
Unfortunately, it seems that you can
have a package sitting in plain view on the desktop but the terminal will
keep telling you "no such file or package." This rather stops me in my
Show us the command you are typing and the error (and tell us which
folder you are in in the terminal).  Preferably copy/paste it out of
the terminal (Ctrl+Shift+C to copy from terminal).


Aha - the answer was contained in the question. it couldn't find it on the
desktop, but it found it after I moved it to the home folder.
Either you should have done
cd Desktop
or in the command specified Desktop/filename

Do you know about name completion in the terminal?  If you start
typing a filename and then hit tab it will try and complete the
filename for you.  If it does not complete then either there are none
matching or severeal, hit tab again and it will show you all matching
files (if there are any).  So to put the name of a file on the desktop
in a command type
the_command Des<tab><first chars of filename><tab>

Ahem. OK. But anyway, to return to my original point and Alan's response to it, there's nothing to unzip. It's just a single, integrated MS-DOS executable, very nice for Windows people but useless for Ubuntu people unless they decide to install WINE, which is not recommended just for one pesky Windows program. So, the situation is, Hewlett Packard's own solution for this driver problem not only is useless to me, but it doesn't even tell me what the standard name of the driver in the package is, so that I can find it elsewhere. I think I know what it is, from people at Ubuntu Forums, but when I follow the standard procedure for installing the one they recommend, I get stuck somehow. And indeed it's a waste of other mail list readers' time me going on about this here, when I could go to Ubuntu Forums and ask for help there, so I shall do that. Thanks anyway to all who tried...


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