On 02/05/13 09:19, Liam Proven wrote:
On 2 May 2013 07:31, norman silverstone <nor...@littletank.org> wrote:
I have just finished a completely fresh install, on my PC, of Xubuntu 13.04
64 bit and, for the first time,  Windows 7 64 bit. There were no problems
with the dual installation. However, although my PC has two hard drives,
only  one appears in either operating system. Please, how do I get my
missing HDD back in Xubuntu?
Windows can't read Linux filesystems. If you have one whole drive
partitioned for each, then it is normal for the Linux one to be
invisible to Windows, except in Disk Manager:

(Start | Run | diskmgmt.msc)

In Linux, you should be able to see and indeed mount the Windows
drive. What does Gparted show?

Terminal -> sudo apt-get install gparted -y ; sudo gparted

I am beginning to wonder if something has gone very wrong. I ran sudo parted -l and two drives were shown, /dev/sda 500GB and /dev/sdb 250GB. In the past, when I have installed Ubuntu I was offered the choice to set up partitions but this time I was not. Could this mean that Xbuntu is now installed on the 250GB drive which is not showing on the desktop. If that is the case then a lot of data which was stored could have been lost as the smaller drive was used just for that.



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