On 02/05/13 16:27, Avi Greenbury wrote:
norman silverstone wrote:
The fog is beginning to clear. By the look of things Windows 7 is on
the 500GB drive and Xubuntu is on the 250GB drive. Why did this
happen? I always thought that when making a dual install the Ubuntu
OS went on to the same drive as Windows and this is what I want -
operating systems on one drive each in its own partition and the
other drive for storing data and so on. This is how it was before I
started the new install, Windows XP Pro and Xubuntu 12.04 on the 500
GB drive.
This doesn't sound like such a crazy default, either way the installer
does tell you what it intends to do with partitions and the like
before it writes to them.

I realise that I have lost some data but most of it was backed up so
that can be recovered but, how do I reinstall Xubuntu 13.04 so that
it is on the 500GB drive and the two operating systems and their
application in separate partitions?
You can re-run the installer and this time, at the partitioning stage,
instruct it to do that. More technically involvedly, you could rejig
the partitions on the 500G and copy the Linux partition over, then
repair Grub. The latter would preserve the current state of the

Avi, you are correct in what you say about the partitioning at the install stage, however, on reflection, there was no partitioning choice offered. I think I chose the first offer which was to install alongside Windows 7. The installer did not do this and I am now wondering if this is a bug or have I missed something?



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