speaking of which (I have kimsufi)

I think I need to have tidy up :)

Alloc PE / Size       454400 / 1.73 TiB
  Free  PE / Size       19842 / 77.51 GiB

How could I EVER use up the best part of a 2TB disk!!!



On 9 May 2013 19:51, William Anderson <ne...@well.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Gareth France <gareth.fra...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I'll be using a desktop for the duration the machine is away. I have been
> > looking at incremental backup solutions. What I'd like to do is setup a
> > system where it connects to an FTP server and only backs up the data that
> > has changed since last backup. Something I would trigger rather than
> > scheduled as I'm on mobile broadband and would need to do backups
> whenever I
> > was near a proper broadband connection. I've found quite a few solutions
> > which 'sort of' do this as I'd like but most don't cut it and some simply
> > refused to connect to my server. Do you have any suggestions which may
> help?
> Don't use FTP unless you plan to pre-encrypt the backup first (since
> you will be sending the data in the clear; duplicity will do this
> using gpg as the pre-upload/store encrypt mechanism).  If you can
> backup to somewhere that does ssh+rsync, use rsnapshot.  Both are
> packaged within Ubuntu.  rsnapshot prefers to run automatically from
> cron (/etc/cron.d/rsnapshot) but you can run it manually if you
> prefer.
> You can get a cheap Ubuntu server from kimsufi.co.uk (OVH) for a
> tenner a month that has 0.5TiB storage and 5TiB/mo traffic allowance,
> ample as a backup/DR solution.
> > Bad customer service is something which really winds me up and you have
> hit
> > the nail on the head there. This is the customer service equivalent of
> > painting by numbers. The collection has been arranged now and fingers
> I wasn't suggesting you were receiving "bad customer service", I was
> suggesting you were receiving *cheap* customer service, with limited
> scope to move beyond the standard support script.
> Just out of interest, how have you handled this hard disc issue?
> > crossed they will fix it. I know that my laptops always take quite a
> > pounding but I can only think of one other which faired this badly, made
> by
> > a company called Hi-Grade. I really don't expect a machine to be virging
> on
> > unusable after only 8 months, regardless of how cheap it is.
> You're surely aware of the consumer maxim, "you get what you pay for".
>  Granted this is a personal preference within my own realm of income
> and affordability, but this is why I usually wait until I have enough
> cash to buy an Apple computer.  The build quality is usually stunning,
> and the level of support is unsurpassed.  If you're going to
> buy/accept a system manufactured by a boxshifter like Packard Bell,
> don't expect stellar levels of support.
> In my experience, the cheaper the laptop, the less reliability you
> should expect from it, and the less support you should expect from the
> manufacturer.  I have literally kicked the heck out of my MacBook Pros
> and they have all lived to tell the tale (the slight dent on the lid
> of one notwithstanding).  I've also suffered maladies such as dead
> GPUs on the mainboard, and they have been dealt with inside of 90
> minutes (albeit under warranty with the highest tier of support
> pre-purchased [ProCare]).
> You get what you pay for.
> -n
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