On 23/03/15 16:03, Tony Pursell wrote:
I'm getting quite used to it now, and I only got it this morning.

I have literally only had it for about an hour. I'll get there

are a lot of things missing that my Android phone (a Motorola MOTO G)
has got.  But I was pleased to get synchronisation with my Google
contacts, for instance.  HERE is nothing like Google Maps,
unfortunately.  I can't even tell it where my home is, let alone plan
journeys.  The Near By scope tells me where my nearest bus stop is, but
I know that (I can see it from my window), but HERE doesn't show it on
the map.

I'm pretty sure the idea is that you may want to know about a nearby bus stop if you were miles away from home in a place you had never been before.

Fortunately for Ubuntu, my expectations were not all that high for the
phone.  I hope it will improve, though.

What are we on now? V2? early days yet and what is there seems to work well.

I think its is unfair of you to say "have Canonical chosen a bunch of
cowboys...".  Nobody seems to realise that its the 'cowboys' who are
choosing Ubuntu, not the other way round, and we should be thanking
them.  Ubuntu will only get shipped by the phone providers that choose
it.  Something that all those people in the USA, Canada, Indonesia,
India, etc, that are asking when they will get an Ubuntu phone, don't

Point taken but BQ could learn a lot about customer service I think.


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