It has long been my intention to publish my software, the only PAT tester download and conversion software available natively on Linux, in the software centre. However after being in the 'Review in progress' stage now for 7 months and 1 week and not being able to get any replies from anyone on the matter I have come to the conclusion that it is not physically possible to get anything published in there!

As a result of a rather interesting conversation with a developer last night I have decided to make my program open source and publish it on github. You can now find it at the address below, published under GPL v3.

Now I am very new to this, some of the aims of this project are to educate me in the way github and open source production works, to gain feedback on my (mediocre) programming skills and to hopefully learn more modern techniques as I learned to program in the 80's in basic. So please do feel free to pitch in with an opinion or a modification.

Windows PAT testing software is seriously expensive and I feel there is a place for a free and open alternative for what is actually a very simple piece of software.

Please do take a look, be honest with me but please don't be too cruel.



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