I worked on a PAT testing project some time ago - it was for the MEB (Midland 
Electricity Board), and was tightly integrated into their testing technology - 
they were using SmartPat 5000's... 
I'd be interested in taking a look at your project - 

I'll try have have a look at it this afternoon.

> To:
> From:
> Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 20:26:49 +0000
> Subject: [ubuntu-uk] PAT testing project published at last
> It has long been my intention to publish my software, the only PAT 
> tester download and conversion software available natively on Linux, in 
> the software centre. However after being in the 'Review in progress' 
> stage now for 7 months and 1 week and not being able to get any replies 
> from anyone on the matter I have come to the conclusion that it is not 
> physically possible to get anything published in there!
> As a result of a rather interesting conversation with a developer last 
> night I have decided to make my program open source and publish it on 
> github. You can now find it at the address below, published under GPL v3.
> Now I am very new to this, some of the aims of this project are to 
> educate me in the way github and open source production works, to gain 
> feedback on my (mediocre) programming skills and to hopefully learn more 
> modern techniques as I learned to program in the 80's in basic. So 
> please do feel free to pitch in with an opinion or a modification.
> Windows PAT testing software is seriously expensive and I feel there is 
> a place for a free and open alternative for what is actually a very 
> simple piece of software.
> Please do take a look, be honest with me but please don't be too cruel.
> Gareth
> -- 

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