On 24/02/16 10:19, Mike Hingley wrote:

I worked on a PAT testing project some time ago - it was for the MEB
(Midland Electricity Board), and was tightly integrated into their
testing technology - they were using SmartPat 5000's...

I'd be interested in taking a look at your project -

I'll try have have a look at it this afternoon.


I'm thrilled to hear you are interested, especially after a narrow minded, petty PAT tester told me it wasn't worth doing. Apparently because a commercial product exists that is perfectly good it is pointless to create this project, and also that nobody he does business with uses Linux. I pointed out to him that I was hurting nobody by trying and that actually everyone he does business with uses Linux and so does he. 'You do have a router, don't you?'

Besides, why shouldn't my software become better than the perfectly good stuff? *huff*


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