I'm new on uClinux/coldifre and I have a problem with the GPIO.

I found, on the Internet, that I just need to set up a pointer to the I/O
address to access to the I/O but when I run my application on uClinux the
error message "Memory Fault" appears and my application quit.

Here is my simple test code:

#define GPTADR (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x401a001d)
#define GPTADDR (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x401a001e)

int main(void){
    GPTADDR = 0xFF;

    return 0;

I'm working on the DNP/5280 board, Coldfire 5282.
I use this command to compile my code:
m68k-uclinux-gcc –Wall –m5307 –Wl,-elf2flt –Os –o hello hello.c –lc

Does anyone has an idea to solve my problem?
Thanks a lot!

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