On 2009-03-12, Michael Schnell <mschn...@lumino.de> wrote:
>> I am looking at various realtime linux solutions for use in a
>> personal embedded application. I understand that uCLinux is
>> not a RTOS, but I have read posts on the Internet talking
>> about using RATI with uCLinux. In particular I am looking at
>> the Microblaze and Blackfin architectures. 

> As you are interested in an FPGA based processor, you might
> consider NIOS as well. We have a very active community 
> (http://sopc.et.ntust.edu.tw/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nios2-dev).
> Re. realtime stuff, I feel that the the more "modern" way than
> RTAI and similar things is using multiple "(Operating).System"
> simultaneously by means of virtualization or multiple
> processors/threads.

Um, isn't that what RTAI does -- run the linux kernel on a
virtualized processor?

> With Microblaze or NIOS you can either implement a second
> processor in the FPGA

Add another processor?  I think you misspelled "the more
expensive way". ;)  As one of my friends used to say: "the only
thing worse than a product based on a microprocessor is one
based on two of them."

> or do the hard realtime stuff in hardware (if same can be
> reduced to very simple functions).

That last qualification is an important one.  When I've asked
in the NIOS forums about RTAI or other ways to control latency
on the NIOS/Linux platform, the answer is always "do it in
hardware!".  That's fine if you have to toggle pin B whenever
pin A changes, but for things like replying to a message on a
TCP connection such advice is utterly useless.

Not only does NIOS lack RTAI/Xenomi support, it doesn't even
have NPTL support.  That means that scheduling of threads is
being done by user-space code.  Yes, that results in really bad
scheduling latencies (on the order of 5-10ms in my experience).

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! The Osmonds!  You are
                                  at               all Osmonds!!  Throwing up
                               visi.com            on a freeway at dawn!!!

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