Run-to-completion .... You've lost me.  AFAICT, that's pretty much how both 
Linux and
all the RTOSes I've ever seen work.
Not at all.

Linux and many "big" RTOSes do "preemptive multitasking": A threat thread/process gets interrupted and stalled for some time, if a higher priority get active by some event (timer, hardware interrupt or freeing of a semaphore by another thread).

"Run to completion" is very simple "cooperative multitasking:" A threat thread/process gets interrupted only for a few CPU cycles by hardware interrupts. But a thread/process never runs wile another thread is active. It only can run after that thread completes (and then waits to get rescheduled at a later time. This very simple paradigm is often used instead of a real OS with small processors and as an internal multitasking in a program/process run by a real OS (this is called "event-driven programming").

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