On Tue, 2009-08-11 at 09:01 -0400, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 08:57:46PM +1000, Microbit_Ubuntu wrote:
> > I can't really give any specific help other than what you already tried, but
> > I have been in a similar situation.
> > I got some Olin 2 GB cards a little while ago and existing firmware I had 
> > running (using SPI)
> > totally refused to run properly. Like you, I allowed the "hack" on the 
> > block length
> > in CSD. My good old trusty card reader doesn't like the cards either.
> > 
> > I spent a bit of time stepping around further in my code but I never pinned 
> > it down
> > as to where these 2 GB cards went to lala land. I gave up I must say... too 
> > irritating.
> > A look at the card vendor's URL revealed they expect the consumer to buy 
> > "their" card reader
> > products, which of course is a joke.
> > 
> > The last I checked, the consensus is/was that the 2 GB cards arena is a big 
> > mess. Apparently,
> > more don't work than ones that actually do....
> > Seemed to me might as well move to HC... ?
> > 
> > I certainly appreciate/sympathise - I found it very irritating to say the 
> > least :
> > These cards are sold with the SD spec logo - but they don't __comply__ !!!
> I suspect the card does comply but the reader does not.  A number of
> readers assumed the block size on SD cards was 512 bytes even though the
> spec never said that it was.  most card sizes are, but e 1024 byte blocks.
> Apparently the spec says that even the 2GB cards must support 512byte
> reads and writes, but still some card readers/drivers get confused.
> I suppose it is also possible to have a 2GB card that was made to an
> older spec before it was clarified that 512byte read/write was required
> even when the block size was 1024byte.
> personally I have never had issues with 2GB cards in any device, but
> all my 2GB cards are relatively new.

Hi Lennart,

> I suspect the card does comply but the reader does not.  A number of

I'm sorry but I disagree.
The reader is stuck in an endless loop and never appears to even fully read the 
or tuples. I have tried with SPI and with MMC where I _was_ able to read the 
manufacturing details 
- manually - with my own firmware : it was February 2009 IIRC. It certainly was 
a brand new card, in relative terms.
I think we're talking different problems here. In any case, I brought the cards 
back and got a refund,
apparently many others had similar problems, even on consumer devices that 
*should* be able to use the
SD card... (they were being sold to use in digital cameras)

Perhaps this is an isolated issue with the Olin brand, dunno.

Best regards,

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