On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 08:37:07AM +0100, Stuart Hughes wrote:
> Hi Philippe,
> I maintain LTIB (the tool).  Generally speaking for MMUless platforms I'd 
> recommend using uClinux-dist.  However if LTIB has the exact platform 
> you're interested in that may be helpful as it will be known to work out of 
> the box.  The compiler used in LTIB should work with uClinux-dist 
> notwithstanding some gcc strictness issues (depends on version).  You may 
> also find some of the patches to the kernel that are not yet in mainstream 
> may be useful.  For platforms with MMUs I'd recommend LTIB though (no 
> surprise there).

The MCF5484 has a MMU, but linux-2.6.30 (even in uclinux-dist flavour)
does not seem to use it : I grep'ped for mmubar in the whole source tree
without result.

Does the ltib-provided kernel use the mmu ?  And if that's the case,
is there an ongoing effort to merge those mmu patches in the uclinux-
or Linus' kernel tree ?

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