
Friday, June 09, 2000, 4:01:30 PM, you wrote:

MTJ> I have found that ParseDocText() seems to throw random trash, and
MTJ> spurious <b></b> tags into the results.
MTJ> I put error_log() tags into search.php3, and parse.inc to generate the
MTJ> trace.

MTJ> Let me know if there is any additional information you need.

Yes, please write your exact query. And, please give me following info:
1. put print "$word<br>\n"; after $word=$all_words[$i];
2. put print "BEFORE: $str END;<br>\n"; before first $str=preg_replace
3  put print "STEP1: $str END;<br>\n"; before second $str=preg_replace
4. put print "STEP2: $str END;<br>\n"; after second $str=preg_replace

then make your search and please send me all debug output.
I will fix the problem as soon as possible.

Thank you for reporting!

Regards, Sergey aka gluke.

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