Author: Sergio Coelho
Hi guys!

I am developping a portal kindda like Google, using MnoGoSearch,and
need to fill my database with website\'s URLs. This portal is intended
for portuguese comunity, so its primary link DNS should be .PT (there
might be lots of portuguese sites with .COM, but i will check this
later...). Back in my country, like in many others, exists a server
wich contain all IP\'s and DNS for the .PT sites (
That server is, and i can use NSLOOKUP (for Linux) and
resolve some data. What i want is to get ALL IPs and DNS of all 15000
registered sites in that server.
I really don\'t understand much about Linux (or UNIX) so i remembered
to use this Board to ask for help.
Some migth say it is illegal, but the FCCN.PT gives that possibility.
They just don\'t say how to use it ....
Can anyone help?

Tanx in advance!
Sergio Coelho Charrua
Soweb / Netbiz

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