Author: Alberto
> I have downloaded and compiled 3.1.9, and after properly configurating
> the indexer.conf file, there seems to be some discrepency between what the indexer 
>reports it has found, and what it actualy files into the mysql database.
I have the same problem.
Version 3.1.8 works very well, but in version 3.1.9 indexer program inserts corretted 
url in the relative table but not inserts in the index tables.
I am trying in DBmode single, multi and crc-multi, stopwords and ispell empty or no
ServerTable server

Allow  *.html *.htm  *.txt
Allow  *.php3 *.php  *.phtml
Allow  *.asp  *.cfm  *.shtm *.shtml
Allow  *.doc  *.rtf  *.pdf  *.ps   *.xls  *.ppt
Allow  */
Allow  Regex  \.ph
Allow  Regex  \?

CheckOnly *.arj  *.tar  *.zip  *.tgz  *.gz
CheckOnly *.lha  *.lzh  *.rar  *.zoo  *.tar*.Z
CheckOnly *.rpm  *.hqx  *.sit *.sea
CheckOnly *.vdo  *.mpeg *.mpe  *.mpg  *.avi  *.movie
CheckOnly *.m3u  *.qt   *.mov
CheckOnly *.gif  *.jpg  *.jpeg *.png  *.bmp  *.tiff *.tif  *.xpm  *.xbm *.pcx
CheckOnly *.mid  *.mp3  *.rm   *.ram  *.wav  *.aif  *.aiff
CheckOnly *.vrml *.wrl
CheckOnly *.exe  *.cab  *.dll  *.bin  *.class
CheckOnly *.tex  *.texi *.tcl  *.texinfo
CheckOnly *.ai   *.eps

Disallow *

INSERT INTO server VALUES ( '2', '1', '', '60000', 
'ECO', '', 'iso-8859-1', 'it', '', '', '', '9', '1', '2', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', 
'1', '2', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '32', '100', '3600', '60');
INSERT INTO server VALUES ( '5', '1', '', '60000', 
'ECO', '', 'iso-8859-1', 'it', '', '', '', '8', '1', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 
'1', '2', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '32', '100', '3600', '60');


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