Author: Alexander Barkov
> I have downloaded and compiled 3.1.9, and after properly configurating
> the indexer.conf file, there seems to be some discrepency between what the indexer 
>reports it has found, and what it actualy files into the mysql database.  
> I have run indexer for over 1 hour.  For the first 5 minutes it happily works it's 
>way up to 7000 documents, where thereafter that number stops increasing.
> I used:
>  select count(rec_id) from url;
> in order to get a count of the documents.  Does anyone know of this problem I am 
>having, is this is bug in the new version?

Probably indexer has collected all links on your server. Run
indexer -S to check what is happenning. The number of documents
with status 0 (number of already found but not yet indexed document)should be changing 
during indexer's work.

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