On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:23 PM, <planetharsh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Sorry for being inactive for a long time.
> Actually I discontinued attending the meetings because of late timings (when
> it dint close by 8 pm),
> change of venue (I prefer Sun, Divyasree for some reasons), and lack of
> opensolaris internals discussion for a long time.

I'm surprised - we've had some internals discussions or the other
regularly - memory allocation, virtualization, etc.

In case you have some internals stuff to present on to the extent that
you have explored it, please feel free to propose a session - the rest
of us will look forward to it.

> If possible, please keep the timings such that it finish by 7:30 so that a
> little late doesnt feel bad.

This is useful input.

We didn't consider this in the past since most of the working people
could not attend earlier. Let's have a poll for the next session, and
consider a different time.

> Anyways, Good to hear that Max is going to deliver a talk this time,
> hopefully on Solaris Internals, right Moinak ?

I haven't received a confirmation from Max yet. That's why I marked
that as tentative.

> Planning to attend this time if a higher priority interrupt doesnt occur.
> Regards,
> Harsh Bora
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