I tend to agree.  With most machines nowadays, the ease of
development, debugging and extensibility of scripting languages
outweighs performance benefits (if any) of compiled languages for
most applications.  Perl (and Python also?) is already bundled with
BeleniX, right?  Python code can also be compiled into bytecode and
cached on the LiveCD, if required.


On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 12:28:26PM +0530, Binu Jose Philip wrote:
> On 6/27/06, Moinak Ghosh <Moinak.Ghosh at sun.com> wrote:
> >   * We are looking at starting off a project to have a Configuration and
> >      Administration GUI for BeleniX and by implication OpenSolaris. It
> >      will be using GTK and done using C for performance and smaller
> >      resource requirements. Portability is out of the question here.
> IMHO, doing a C-gtk thingy doesn't give enough of an edge to not use a
> scripting language with gtk-binding. perl, ruby, python - all of these 
> qualify.
> Most of the overhead is in getting the interpreter loaded. Drawing and
> event handling time is comparable.
> I did a comparison between "hello world" thingy in c-gtk and python-gtk
> excluding the load/init time. The c thing took 0.27 seconds while the python
> thing took 0.24 seconds (sparc s10+). perl/ruby maybe faster.
> For something that spends its life waiting for the user to poke or click or
> drag, performance is not of the essense.  For the developer however
> turn-around time will matter. RAD is the keyword.
> cheers
> Binu
> ps: The programs are attached.

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