On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Manish Chakravarty
<manishchaks at gmail.com> wrote:
> I know Solaris/OpenSolaris are known for their exceptional stability and
> uptime.
>  But my SXDE is essentially unusuable for long development work :(

I suspect that this is more to do with JDS than anything else. Lot of
desktop related changes, integration of new UIs continuously
happening. (shift to gnome 2.2 is recent)
When people talk about the solaris stability, it is the often
underlying kernel/stack that is often being referred to.

I have experienced the desktop unresponsiveness situation now & then.
During resource intensive builds, I use light & plain WMs like
I do not prefer using KDE or GNOME or even xfce during heavy build acitivity.


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