Ananth A wrote:

> On 7/11/06, Pavan T C <Pavan.Chandrashekar at> wrote:
>> > -how do i mount a fat32 partition ????? a search on google gave me the
>> > command
>> > mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/c0d0p0 /winc
>> > but i got an error message about not able to find the filesystem 
>> type..
>> pcfs is the module that supports FAT. The way you specify the device to
>> be mounted is as follows :
> i did try with the other pN values (for the other primary partition)
> but i get a unrecognized file system or file system not supported
> error.   i dont recall the exact message so shall try again today and
> let you know.

   Here's an easy way out. Boot from BeleniX 0.4.4 CD and execute

   df -h

   This will show you the exact device name of your FAT partition
   which will be mounted under /mnt/fatN. Now execute:

   cat /etc/vfstab

   From the output you can get the exact mount entry. Note it down
   and add it to your /etc/vfstab after booting from harddisk.

   Actually BeleniX 0.4.4 comes with the utility /usr/bin/partmgr
   that makes it easy to identify the mountable FAT partition device
   names using:

   /usr/bin/partmgr /dev/rdsk/cNdNp0 -doslabel

   This is automatically used during bootup of the LiveCD.

> also, can i view my usb pendrive under solaris using a similar command ?
> i found a /dev/usb/mass-storage device after i plugged it in but was
> unable to mount it... any thoughts ??

   It should mount automatically, if your USB pendrive is formatted as
   FAT. Also ensure that Volume Manager is running using:

   svcs volfs

   If this says "disabled" then execute:

   svcadm enable volfs.

> is *bsd ufs2 different from the solaris ufs ???  can i mount a bsd ufs
> under solaris or vice versa ??

   It is different though there are similarities as well. Someone has to
   port it.

>> Does that suggest anything ? Please visit :
> Thanks! i guess its not that simple as copying from the linux/bsd 
> sources :-)

   Linux kernel modules are GPL and cannot be simply ported to OpenSolaris
   and vice versa.
   It will be a violation of GPL. However userland stuff is fine. FUSE 
is being
   implemented on OpenSolaris which will allow userland filesystem modules
   to be ported onto OpenSolaris. See:

   ZFS has already been ported to Linux FUSE avoiding the licensing issues.


> Ananth
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