Hey Ananth,

> is it possible to use the Page Up/Page Down key in console mode ???
> (woof, woof as screen says :P) While vim does have key bindings to do
> that, im more comfy using the page up/down keys.  is this a bug, a
> feature or misconfiguration ???

As far as I know, there is no option that does not involve entering
the scrollback mode.  You might be able to use the "markkeys" option
to map the PageUp/PageDn keys, but you would still need to enter the
scrollback mode first.

> also, is there any stalls planned for FOSS 2006 this year at IIM
> during Nov 24-26 ??? (not sure if you were aware of it or not)

It is on the radar, but nothing has been finalized yet.  We would
definitely like to be there.  Will let you guys know as soon as
anything is confirmed.


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