On 4/21/06, Moinak Ghosh <Moinak.Ghosh at sun.com> wrote:
> Hi Sriram,
>    Thanks much for your help. You can submit bugs/rfes at this Sarovar URL:
> http://sarovar.org/tracker/?group_id=360

I've reviewed Belenix 0.4.2 in XFCE today and have posted my bugs and
feature requests. Tomorrow, I hope to review KDE, and the day after,
the command line tools.

> Well BeleniX does not yet have package management for the base system
> so KPackage does not give anything. KPackage does support Pkgsrc so once
> we move to that framework it will begin to show information.
> However KPackage does not handle SVR4 Packaging so that might be
> something to add since BeleniX also supports SVR4 packaging. As far as
> I have seen it is just the addition of one file by using one of the existing
> package support files as a template.lenix

Hmm... As an end user, I'd prefer that Belenix have a GUI tool that
let's me manage the packages on my Belenix install.

Of course, as a command line user, I'd expect to have command line tools too ;)

-- Sriram

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