
Re-read what I said grasp the issues and understand
rather than writing nonsense. 

Nobody wants peace in Northern Uganda than the
government but how can peace come when one side of the
conflict is virtually committed to endless war? Didn't
we have war in your West Nile? UNRF II laid down their
guns, sought total peace and the people are enjoying
rhe benefits like all other Ugandans.

Mulindwa the people of Uganda do not like war and
anybody who with the mistaken belief think they can
start a war, they will be doomed. Why fight for 16
years? Which war is that whose only result is to kill,
maim and displace the population?

The mood of the people is no more wars period. You may
not know this but know it today in Uganda people got
fed up with wars long time ago except for the

Take it or leave it.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Mwaami Matovu
> The danger I see in your reasoning, is to state that
> if people in the
> North want peace. Matovu that is a very degrading
> statment and please I
> beg you withdraw it. That is no diffrent than
> Museveni calling Northerners
> biological substances. For what you are stating is
> that in your research
> or study you have concluded that all Northerners are
> people who do not
> want peace. Do you have the ability to do so? One
> wonders.
> Matovu you are staing in a public forum that
> Northerners decided to die
> enmas as have been the case, have decided to have
> schools closed and to be
> raped by UPDF as have been, and I wonder if they are
> that silly.
> You see there is a certain stupidity I can acomodate
> but this classifying
> of the entire population is not helping here. What
> you need to do is to
> tell us where the meeting was that decided that let
> us put insitability in
> our part of the nation and I do not think you can do
> that either. So cut
> the crap and shut the hell up.
> For the record the people of Northern Uganda have
> been victims of your
> government for years and years, your government has
> been making promises
> of bringing peace and making dead lines after dead
> lines which are not
> full filled, let it be kazini Museveni or even Salim
> Saleh. Now having
> passed all that which we have stomached, you are now
> telling Northerners
> who are some even members in these forums that they
> are responsible for
> what they and their people are getting?
> Mwaami matovu, just how inhumane can you be?
> Em
> Ssemakula,
> >
> > I think you the one who is a "dense" pupil.
> Museveni
> > has for years called for peace in Northern Uganda
> but
> > the perpetrators of the crimes and financiers of
> the
> > war have refused to stop the war.
> >
> > War was in Teso and West Nile but the people in
> those
> > areas saw sense and gave up and there is peace in
> > those areas now. Is this so difficult for you to
> > grasp?
> >
> > Now Kony after many years of killings and
> abductions
> > is trying to seize the public relations initiative
> by
> > calling Radio stations and MP's pretending he is
> not
> > all that bad afterall.
> >
> > If the people of Northern Uganda want total peace,
> > they should disown Kony and work for peace the way
> > people in Lango and West Nile have done. Kony will
> be
> > finished overnight if he had no local support.
> >
> > Even if Museveni left power today as you seem to
> be
> > dreaming, Kony will still fight. Try to dig deep
> and
> > know why Kony seems to be fighting. He is not
> fighting
> > Museveni as an individual but he has his agenda
> which
> > is shared by the local people of the areas he is
> > fighting in.
> >
> > LM
> > --- J Ssemakula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > <HR>
> > <html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
> > <P>Mu7 is like a "dense" pupil who keeps repeating
> > primary seven for years without passing -- and all
> the
> > time being disruptive in class. Thank God for term
> > limits in academics!</P>
> > <P>Now, the heading of this article is misleading.
> If
> > Museveni had even a microgram of intellectual
> > integrity in him, he'd&nbsp;say (and admit): "I
> have
> > utterly failed to bring peace in Northern Uganda
> for
> > all the 17 years that I have been in power".</P>
> > <P>It is disingeneous of him to blame the victim
> when
> > he has fought tooth and nail to stay in power no
> > matter what the cost (to us Ugandans). Can you
> imagine
> > how far Uganda would be if this blithering
> > baffoon&nbsp;of a dictator were to vacate power
> > together with his goons and co-thieves?<BR><BR>Who
> is
> > supposed to be impressed because his incompetence
> has
> > brought him to sleep in a tent? </P>
> > <P>He has just made another promise he cannot hope
> to
> > fulfill. So what else is new?</P></DIV>
> > <DIV></DIV>
> > <DIV></DIV>----Original Message Follows----
> > <DIV></DIV>From: Omar Kezimbira
> > <DIV></DIV>Subject: ugnet_: Museveni salutes
> > Acholi-Monitor-14/01/2003
> > <DIV></DIV>Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 03:48:14 -0800
> (PST)
> >
> > <DIV></DIV>
> > <DIV></DIV>Museveni salutes AcholiBy John Muto-Ono
> > p’LajurPresident Yoweri Museveni has said it is a
> > shame that the Acholi with their talent and
> potential
> > have been forced to live in a wasteland by a bunch
> of
> > hooligans.
> > <DIV></DIV>“Acholi have lots of talent and
> potential.
> > I remember great poets like Okot p’Bitek and so
> many
> > professors in the past. But it is a shame that a
> bunch
> > of hooligans are making them live in wasteland…”
> he
> > said at a show staged by the London based singer
> > Roselyn Otim at Patrice Lumumba Renaissance Square
> in
> > Gulu Barracks recently.
> > <DIV></DIV>Otim performed on New Year’s eve at the
> > newly renovated Pece Stadium in Gulu. She was due
> to
> > leave for London when she was invited to perform
> for
> > the president.
> > <DIV></DIV>Otim thrilled the crowd with songs like
> > Nyeka oleyo gang-nga, (My co-wife has taken over
> my
> > husband) War pa Lokwiya, (Dr. Lokwiya’s shoes),
> > Relationship and Gang tye ka Too (Home is getting
> > destroyed).
> > <DIV></DIV>Museveni vowed to bring peace to
> > Acholiland.
> > <DIV></DIV>“The criminality will end this dry
> season.
> > We are sure to bring peace in Acholiland. The
> Movement
> > is determined to bring total peace in the north,”
> he
> > said recently.
> > <DIV></DIV>Roselyn Otim commended Museveni for
> > pitching camp in Gulu, saying it was a sign of
> love
> > and confidence building.
> > <DIV></DIV>“ Your president sleeps in a tent
> because
> > he loves you,” she said.
> > <DIV></DIV>
> > <DIV></DIV>
> > <DIV></DIV>
> > <DIV></DIV>January 14, 2003 00:31:47
> > <DIV></DIV>
> > <DIV></DIV>
> > <DIV></DIV>
> > <DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr> <a
> > href="";>get 2 months
> > FREE*</a> </html>
> >
> >
> > __________________________________________________
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> > Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up
> now.
> >
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