--- okello oruk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >On January
26th 1986, Mu7 made it clear the world over that the
NRA/M will "liquidate" and "exterminate" the

Bwana Okello,

Are you serious with that statement? That is the
bankruptcy which you people expose and you think you
are fighting a war.

Provide the evidence that YK Museveni said those words
and where he said them from. If that is the pretext
you use to support Kony wars by misleading the masses
that they will be exterminated, exterminated for what?

Okello, please please try to reason and seave lies
from reality or else you will be doomed.

> "17 years or 50 years, Kony will not defeat the
> Movement government simply because he is not
> fighting
> a genuine war with any cause. The best thing for him
> to do is to end the suffering of his people by
> ending
> the war. There is nothing sweet than living in
> peace.
> If he doesn't end his madness, he will one day go
> the
> way Savimbi did."Lutimba Matovu
> LM:
> Just a simple question Sir. Is it maybe also
> possible that Mu7 can go the way President
> Abyellimana(sp) of Rwanda did? (Note: I am not
> suggesting so; rather re-thinking your logic). Kony
> may or not "go the way Savimbi did". But, could Mu7,
> even remotely, go the way of the former Rwandan
> President?
> See Lutimba, this is the dilemma. I do not think
> Ugandans should fall for your kind of reasoning. I
> think genuine peaceful approach is all Ugandans
> should demand so peace is enjoyed by all.
> BTW: What causes of the war are you looking for? On
> January 26th 1986, Mu7 made it clear the world over
> that the NRA/M will "liquidate" and "exterminate"
> the Northerners. Lutimba Matovu, supposing a new
> Ugandan leader comes to power tomorrow and proclaims
> that he will, together with his party supporters,
> "liquidate" and "exterminate" the Baganda. Won't
> you, as a Muganda, pick up arms to defend not only
> your God given rights to life, but that of your
> Baganda kit and kins? And would that not be reason
> enough for a war in Buganda? Wake up from your
> sleep!
>  Ocii
>  Lutimba Matovu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:Bwambuga,
> Even with Kony's rock solid support which even you
> guys know exists but you shamelessly deny, they will
> be defeated or they will come to their senses and
> realise that their war is mainly harming their
> people.
> Kony has no interest in Uganda as a nation. He is
> only
> fighting for Acholi to gain power and he said it
> himself recently that the Acholi will enjoy once he
> gains power.
> Even when he telephones or sends messages, he only
> address Acholi MP's & Army officers. He is directly
> saying this war is an Acholi affair period.
> When I say the truth about these issues, bafoons
> like
> Mulindwa who have no incling of what is going on
> abuse
> me. We have intelliegence about Kony and how he
> operates and the local support he enjoys.
> 17 years or 50 years, Kony will not defeat the
> Movement government simply because he is not
> fighting
> a genuine war with any cause. The best thing for him
> to do is to end the suffering of his people by
> ending
> the war. There is nothing sweet than living in
> peace.
> If he doesn't end his madness, he will one day go
> the
> way Savimbi did.
> LM
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Mr. Matovu,
> > If dictator Museveni shares your views how does he
> > hope to convince Kony's local support by March
> > 2003??????
> > 
> > Mr. Matovu stop dreaming. Your bafoon has failed.
> 17
> > years. I took Uganda Army only tree years to flush
> > criminal Museveni and his cahoots from Luwero. But
> > your intelligent Museveni has not moved the war in
> > the north an inch.
> > 
> > Bwambuga.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > "J Oracha" wrote:
> > 
> > >Matovu
> > >
> > >What do you mean "Kony will be finished if he had
> > no local support?" Are you
> > >aware that Museveni has coralled all the Acholi
> > into concentration camps? So
> > >what is this question of if he did not not have
> > local support?
> > >
> > >Oracha
> > >
> > >
> > >----- Original Message -----
> > >From: Lutimba Matovu 
> > >To: 
> > >Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 8:45 AM
> > >Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni salutes
> > Acholi-Monitor-14/01/2003
> > >
> > >
> > >> Ssemakula,
> > >>
> > >> I think you the one who is a "dense" pupil.
> > Museveni
> > >> has for years called for peace in Northern
> Uganda
> > but
> > >> the perpetrators of the crimes and financiers
> of
> > the
> > >> war have refused to stop the war.
> > >>
> > >> War was in Teso and West Nile but the people in
> > those
> > >> areas saw sense and gave up and there is peace
> in
> > >> those areas now. Is this so difficult for you
> to
> > >> grasp?
> > >>
> > >> Now Kony after many years of killings and
> > abductions
> > >> is trying to seize the public relations
> > initiative by
> > >> calling Radio stations and MP's pretending he
> is
> > not
> > >> all that bad afterall.
> > >>
> > >> If the people of Northern Uganda want total
> > peace,
> > >> they should disown Kony and work for peace the
> > way
> > >> people in Lango and West Nile have done. Kony
> > will be
> > >> finished overnight if he had no local support.
> > >>
> > >> Even if Museveni left power today as you seem
> to
> > be
> > >> dreaming, Kony will still fight. Try to dig
> deep
> > and
> > >> know why Kony seems to be fighting. He is not
> > fighting
> > >> Museveni as an individual but he has his agenda
> > which
> > >> is shared by the local people of the areas he
> is
> > >> fighting in.
> > >>
> > >> LM
> > >> --- J Ssemakula wrote:
> > >>
> > >> 
> ---------------------------------
> > >> 
> > >> 
> Mu7 is like a "dense" pupil who keeps
> > repeating
> > >> primary seven for years without passing -- and
> > all the
> > >> time being disruptive in class. Thank God for
> > term
> > >> limits in academics!
> > >> 
> Now, the heading of this article is
> > misleading. If
> > >> Museveni had even a microgram of intellectual
> > >> integrity in him, he'd say (and admit): "I have
> > >> utterly failed to bring peace in Northern
> Uganda
> > for
> > >> all the 17 years that I have been in power".
=== message truncated ===

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