Jonah, I do not practice tongue twisting.Ipso facto I rest
my case.
God bless you.

jonah kasangwawo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

this lecture was uncalled for. The simple point I was trying to make was
that the Monitor may not be as independent or unbiased as they make out to
be. Period. I don't remember saying that the article was pro-UPC, all I said
was that it was anti-Buganda. The allegations therein might be serious to
you, they were ridiculous to me. I don't really care whether you know all
the owners of the Monitor. The fact is that I've not seen anything critical
of the UPC in it. If you have, please point it out to me.


>From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Buganda; part of the problem or solution?
>Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 15:40:15 +0100 (BST)
>Jonah,mine is not to support or oppose any of the views that the
>articles the Monitor publishes or chooses not to publish.I am
>just like you may be,wondering why we should get so much
>incenssed by articles that individuals forward to the Monitor as
>ordinary citizens of Uganda/the World.We surely need to cultivate
>a serious democratic culture in ourselves that allows us to let
>people write whatever they wish and if that gets published,then
>perchance should we have impeccable facts/data to the contrary
>we should publish it!.That way we shall have gone one inch closer
>to democracy/tolerance.It really peeves me to see that oftentimes
>we are very gleeful if something that casts one of our citizens
>withwhom we share no common platform be it political,religious or
>otherwise,is uttered,we selectively choose to corroborate or outrightly
>support it,but then if the situation gets to the other shoe,we are crying
>wolf just like cry babies.This type of preferential intellectual analysis
>indeed very contemptous and dishonest!.We all singularly and severally
>have our own stories to tell about the political imbroglios that has
>characterised our nation Uganda and if we do not come to terms with this
>reality very soon we shall be in league with the brother described in the
>holy writ who chooses to drag his brother to court only to discover that
>his sin burdens far overshadow and outweigh the one he is accussing.I would
>suggest we stop reading between the lines about why
>the Monitor publishes whatever they do.
>99.9999% of the owners of Monitor are personally known to me and I have
>known most of them for periods in excess of 15 years and I would
>like to put it to you that none of them confesses to be UPC!.That therefore
>means that in your rebuttal to the seriuos allegations that the
>article you are ridiculing has occassioned,being pro-UPC is the least
>weighted reason for its' being published.
>Sometimes they say,as we go up a ladder,we do pass people by and just as we
>come down that ladder,fate has it that we again pass the same people by.It
>is possible that there could be some truth in some of
>those allegations that the powers at the Monitor editorial board chose to
>have the article published so that they do not get burdened by the guilt of
>not informing people about some of these staff(May be).
>Our problems today is not UPC.If UPC has to come back to Power it will be
>through the people's choice and that part of the equation neither me,nor
>you can easily foretell for many people vote for what they often associate
>better with.
>Thank you.
>jonah kasangwawo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>Oh yeah ? Have you ever seen any article critical of the UPC in the Monitor
>? But as soon as some nincompoop posts something (which in this case could
>potentially incite ethnic hatred), as long as it is anti-Baganda, the
>Monitor publishes it. Does the Monitor think we, the readers, don't notice
>these things ?
> >From: "Mulindwa Edward"
> >To:
> >CC:
> >Subject: ugnet_: Buganda; part of the problem or solution?
> >Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 23:09:16 -0400
> >
> >Mwaami Kasangwawo
> >
> >Monitor does not control flow of information and that is the difference
> >between Monitor and your self. And on your comments about Buganda, I will
> >use the only weapon which has never deluded me, time.
> >
> >Let us wait we will see.
> >
> >Be well my Ugandan friend.
> >
> >Em
> >Toronto
> >
> > The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> > Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: jonah kasangwawo
> > Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 8:03 AM
> > Subject: Re: ugnet_: Buganda; part of the problem or solution?
> >
> >
> > Mw. Ssemakula,
> >
> > this was but just another of Mulindwa's disjointed, illogical,
> >anti-Baganda
> > renditions and I'm at a loss why the Monitor was in such a hurry to
> >publish
> > it. Could it be that the Monitor has a secret motive for doing this ?
> >
> > That said, does it really matter WHEN the Kabaka or Nnabagereka or
> >Buganda
> > officials started speaking out on the war in northern Uganda ? What is
> > important is that they have done so.
> >
> > Mulindwa and gang should be reminded of the saying that 'you can't have
> >your
> > cake and eat it too'. When the Kabaka says something concerning a
> >national
> > issue, they say he should not intervene in politics. When he doesn't,
> >they
> > still protest. They give the impression that they don't know what they
> > actually want.
> >
> > Kasangwawo
> >
> >
> > >From: "J Ssemakula"
> > >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >Subject: Re: ugnet_: Buganda; part of the problem or solution?
> > >Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 20:19:29 +0000
> > >
> > ><< message3.txt >>
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
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> >
> >
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > Gook,
> >
> >
> >
> > In addition to my comments of yesterday with regards to Mr. "Mulindwa"
> >'s namby-pamby argument in defence of Mr. Muniini, I'd like to add the
> >following:
> >
> > 1. If it were true that children might be afraid of Luganda speaking
> >soldiers how does change the equation?
> >
> > I do not see how one can conclude that everyone who has a
> >Kiganda-sounding name or can speak some sort of Luganda is a Muganda any
> >more than one can conclude that everyone who speaks the Queen's English a
> >de facto Englishman.
> >
> > 2. Granted that the Nnaabagereka is relatively a recent entrant on the
> >national scene. However this only re-inforces my argument that the
> >in particular, care deeply about the suffering of our Northern
> >in that brief time on the national scene the Nnaabagereka has chosen to
> >Her voice to those advocating for peace.
> >
> > 3. Let us suppose that it is true that the Kabaka's funds are derived
> >from Rwakitura. It is all the more remarkable that inspite of this, the
> >Kabaka of Buganda is still sensitive to the pain of our Northern
> >
> > And by the way, we the Baganda, are perfectly capable of supporting our
> >Kabaka, thank you very much. Our history of, at least, five hundured
> >years is proof enough of that.
> >
> >
> > 4. Speaking of ethnic groups, could you kindly tell us when and what the
> >Banyakigezi (Mr. Muniini being a Munyakigezi) have done or said about
> >tragic war in Northern Uganda?
> >
> >
> >
> > Ssemakula
> >
> >
> >
> > ----Original Message Follows----
> > From: "gook makanga"
> > Subject: ugnet_: Buganda; part of the problem or solution?
> > Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 22:28:58 +0000
> >
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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