Museveni to rule for life - Obote
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 21:19:38 +0000
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Dear brothers and sisters in UPC,

Could you please communicate to ex-President H.E. Dr A.M. Obote that if 
there is ever going to be  any 'federo', it is only going to be one that is 
for all areas of Uganda. That is the only concept Ugandans can examine for 
merits and demerits, and accept or reject.

A 'federo' for some tribe(s) is a concept that is repugnant and to be 
resolutely opposed by all Ugandans who hold their country dear.  Even a rat 
when pushed into a corner fights back.


Museveni to rule for life - Obote
By Alex B. Atuhaire
September 29, 2003

KAMPALA - Former President, Milton Obote, has accused President Museveni of 
trying to manipulate the constitutional review process to rule for life.
In a statement sent to The Monitor, Mr Obote said that Mr Museveni's 
"infamous desire to be Tsar of Uganda" is now clear.

Obote, who was twice deposed by the army and who now lives in exile in 
Zambia, said that, based on the Cabinet's proposals to the Constitutional 
Review Commission, Museveni is "totally incapable of separating the demands 
of the people from his now infamous selfish wants.

"What emerges is the singular deception which runs to conceal his equally 
infamous desire to deceive so as to be the Tsar of Uganda under a 
dictatorship until his death," Obote said in the document dated September 

Obote protests against the lifting of the term limit on the presidency 
before providing for competitive multiparty elections, similar to those in 
countries like Britain, India and South Africa.

"The Cabinet proposal puts the cart before the horse because the two terms 
[limit] in the Constitution refer to one Party (Movement) elections which is 
to remain and is outside of multiparty democracy and multiparty competitive 
elections on which the proposals are silent," he says.

He adds: "Museveni and his docile Cabinet are again proposing the 
entrenchment of dictatorship under which he is to be President for life".

The Vice President, Prof. Gilbert Bukenya, last week presented Cabinet's 
proposals to the CRC headed by Prof. Fredrick Ssempebwa.

But Obote said: "it's most oppressive and unusual for a Government to 
appoint a Commission, which has to submit a report to it and later make 
proposals to same Commission for the proposals to be in the Report.

"What Museveni's Cabinet has done, is first to totally remove every 
independence which the Ssempebwa Commission ever had and secondly to be most 
definitive on matters which are personal desires of Museveni and dictatorial 
without also being definitive on the demands of the people on matters such 
as multiparty democracy and Federo".

Obote adds that Cabinet's offer of a federo system to districts willing to 
co-operate is not genuine.

"Federo cannot be firm if provided on the basis of the Cabinet proposals. On 
the other hand, if the Museveni dictatorship now accepts Federo, why be shy 
not to emulate the UPC and negotiate the Terms of Federo with the people who 
want Federo," he says.

Obote ends his statement by painting a grim picture of the politics of the 

"Under the NRM dictatorship, Uganda has been disintegrating and the Cabinet 
proposals, should they be part of the Constitution, will hasten the total 
demise of the Republic of Uganda," he says.

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