I am sure you are aware that Acholiland is not peaceful; has never been for the last 17 years. Unless there is peace in a region, a sensible govt. can not make any move to resettle a bunch of landless squatters, like the Bakiga seem to be now, on such a land, especially if the lack of peace is caused by a prevailing war like in Acholiland at this very moment.
If there is any need to offer these landless Bakiga land, the govt. of Uganda can improve its image by looking else where in other regions of the Country. The govt. can not look into Acholiland for sure, and not even in Teso area. Fundamental to this point is that, any bloodshed by these supposed to be Bakiga settlers, if at all they are settled in these war areas, would squarely be blamed on the movement govt., something that may in future have a far reaching consequences on the movement bosses.
If the movement govt. has failed, for the last 17 years, to provide security for the innocent people being tormented by the wars in this regions, the north and the north-east of the Country, how would the govt. be able to provide security for these landless squatters in a new home and land they haven't any clue of?, throwing aside the necessities for such resettlement scheme at this material time?! And by the way, does the movement govt. have them? What would these Bakiga in a new home and land need, has the govt. asked itself, and does it have these necessities?
It is, Ki-ronde, one thing to resettle a bunch of landless squatters, and another to guaranttee their happiness and security. It seems the movement govt. is only trying to divert Ugandans attention from some very pressing issue facing the Country at this time by claiming it intends to resettle these Bakigas in Acholiland. Do you agree or not?

Ed Kironde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I think Acholis will be the first to say that them being Ugandans too, can freely live anywhere in Uganda, - it will be reciprocated too that other ethnic tribes in Uganda, can freely live in Acholi if they so choose.
Any Acholi who would object to a Munyoro or Munyankole settling in Acholiland must think twice since there are many Acholis today who call land outside Acholi as home.
In my response to Muniini's article to the effect of Bakiga settling in Bunyoro, Acholi was my number one choice for those encroaching Bakigas.  Otherwise where is the Ugandannes if we question who settles where?
The more we identify ourselves as Baganda who live in Buganda, Acolis who live in Acholi land, or Basoga, Bagishu, etc, we further call for the need to review the colonial legacy of of a mixed Uganda with people who have nothing in common.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2003 04:56:56 PM
Subject: ugnet_: From Acholinet-Very Serious

I still read acholinet from a friend. I happen to see this today. I would like to know what other Ethnic groups in Uganda think about this. I personally think that acholis are too demoralized to do anything.

Lutimba Matuvo what do you think about this? You always say that it is Kony who is not interested in peace settlement. How do you defend this below?


President Museveni have taken initiatives to "Make proper use of Acholi
land" on the 4-11-2003, there will be debate in Uganda parliament to
transfer "Bakiga Ethnic Group" to settle them in Acholi land. The Government
of Uganda by Constitution owns the land in the country including the Land in

The "Bantu MP" are all positive and motion will definitely get a majority
and implementation will start. This information comes from the inner core in
the parliament of Uganda. Public debate will take place on the above date.

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