Mate Ed Kironde,


Which one are you talking about? There is settlement and there is settlement!


I too, think and believe that any Ugandan can formally settle in any part on our Ugandan soil. However there are settlements and settlements. Check out that demarcation membrane. You know, so Security Camps or Protected Villages (what ever the epithet) are settlements too.


There is the Host and the in comer. Here, the Host is the state or Movement regime. In the other cases you refer to, it is the institution of the community concerned in agreement with the legitimate national Land regulation who is the “Host” or Tenant. How is it in other parts of Uganda? What does the constitution say? Do the Kingdoms have any delegated authority?


 If some one comes to your home and request to purchase some piece of land from you to settle on is different from if the same individual comes to you, Chases you out of your compound and takes over your house or build his own on your compound. Or do you see the two cases as legally identical?


Say if the Acoli that have settled else where in Uganda in fluxed those parts of Uganda outside Acoli region while simultaneously the tribe concerned (erg. Baganda) are confined to State controlled Camps, would they have accepted it?


People have always settled elsewhere. But a State organized transformation as such is not the same thing. If you know Gulu, you would know that the kind of Hospitality Ugandan stretch to each other already existed in Acoli just as in Kampala at Namuwongo, Wabigalu, Kibuli, Naguru etc., osv. In Bukedi, the Itesot are almost more that native Badama (Jophadola).


In Gulu you have Kirombe, Kasubi, Kanyagoga etc, which are predominantly Bantu-Acoli areas.


The issue in question is of a different sort. Your argument is about the sort freedom of “Ugandaness”, settlement and amalgamation that already exist. In other words, your argument is out of context.


Lets put things within perspective. The correct approach is to first repatriate the HOST TRIBE to their legitimate land (areas). There after can they legally or formally welcome settlers according to in statute land acquisition procedures.


As asked, what does the constitution say? In Buganda for example, can any body just settle on some one else’s land or claim any piece of Land merely because he is Ugandan too?!


How is the process there?


One more thing, are you not counting “Internally displaced” Acoli refugees among those "Acoli that have settled outside Acoli district"?

 Best regards

Noc´laduma GauKironde,



>From: "Ed Kironde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: ugnet_: From Acholinet-Very Serious
>Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 23:26:42 -0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)
> I think Acholis will be the first to say that them being Ugandans too, can
>freely live anywhere in Uganda, - it will be reciprocated too that other
>ethnic tribes in Uganda, can freely live in Acholi if they so choose.
>Any Acholi who would object to a Munyoro or Munyankole settling in
>Acholiland must think twice since there are many Acholis today who call land
>outside Acholi as home.
>In my response to Muniini's article to the effect of Bakiga settling in
>Bunyoro, Acholi was my number one choice for those encroaching Bakigas.
>Otherwise where is the Ugandannes if we question who settles where?
>The more we identify ourselves as Baganda who live in Buganda, Acolis who
>live in Acholi land, or Basoga, Bagishu, etc, we further call for the need
>to review the colonial legacy of of a mixed Uganda with people who have
>nothing in common.
>-------Original Message-------
>Date: Thursday, October 23, 2003 04:56:56 PM
>Subject: ugnet_: From Acholinet-Very Serious
>I still read acholinet from a friend. I happen to see this today. I would
>like to know what other Ethnic groups in Uganda think about this. I
>personally think that acholis are too demoralized to do anything.
>Lutimba Matuvo what do you think about this? You always say that it is Kony
>who is not interested in peace settlement. How do you defend this below?
>President Museveni have taken initiatives to "Make proper use of Acholi
>land" on the 4-11-2003, there will be debate in Uganda parliament to
>transfer "Bakiga Ethnic Group" to settle them in Acholi land. The Government
>of Uganda by Constitution owns the land in the country including the Land in
>The "Bantu MP" are all positive and motion will definitely get a majority
>and implementation will start. This information comes from the inner core in
>the parliament of Uganda. Public debate will take place on the above date.
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