My gosh Mulindwa, your hatred for Buganda is astonishing...anyway, personally i'm ok with that, you are entiltled as you have said to your "beliefs" however you should also know that what you said cuts both ways. In other wards there is no need for an inquiry into Luwero 'cos it is a "belief" by... i don't know which tribe know these tribal jargons more than i, besides if there was an inquiry, i don't think the UPC will prevail but then that is i guess a "belief". Secondly the premise to my arguments is one of perception. If you noticed all the postings i put up are opinions of Ugandans and the international community, I can't say UPC should be taken to court because they are stupid enough to have a dictator with alleged criminal links as head, that is UPC's problem. Already you can see that the party is begining to crumble, as the rank and file begin to feel the impact of Obote's baggage not only to the party's image but to there own political futures.

This is my argument, i believe that the UPC can redeem itself, but it has to be ready to break away from it's past evils, Mulindwa your argument (and Matek's) is akin to an Ostrich burying it's head in a hole while leaving the rest of it's body exposed and feeling that it is hidden (nobody can see it). Trust me it doesn't work that way, as you will soon find out. Obote and you his supporters will have to defend that stinky record, not in Canada or America but in Uganda and ultimately in Buganda and i can hadly wait to see Mulindwa's "Buganda 101" political theory work for him. Finaly...ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL that is international politics 000.....One last thing just out of curiosity is Obote not an alcholic himself and can you please, Mulindwa give us Obote's EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS, FROM FIRST DEGREE UP (IF HE HAS A DEGREE). I'm asking since you had the indignity of insulting a dead man.

From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Obote2 and Luwero
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 22:15:11 -0500


I think I need to come in here for you are wrong.

We do not need to take UPC to court, the fact is that UPC has a lot of skeletons, that is enough. And we must accept it for it is a belief. How dare you ask NRM to take UPC to court? Who told you that a belief can be challenged in a court of law? And that standing order has been on Uganda books for a very long time, for it has covered several statements, that I will list for you to prove how it has worked very successfully.
1) The elections that brought UPC 2 to power was rigged
2) Obote poisoned Muteesa through a Langi (Oops Muganda) girl
3) The people in Luwero were killed by UNLA
4) Museveni did not kill any body in Luwero
5) UPC is anti Buganda
6) Obote hates Baganda
7) Obote said that a good Muganda is a dead one
8) UPC ended political partys in Uganda
9) President Lule was a Professor
10) Did you see the skulls in Luwero? All those people were killed by UNLA. (And never allow an inquirely for we know it already.
11) Ssabasajja does not have a Rwandese son and that son can not lead Buganda if Ssabasaja moves on.
12 Do you remember president Y. Lule? No he was not an alcoholic and he did not die of alcohol poisoning.

Do I need to go on?

So we do not need courts to solve a belief. Well come to Buganda Politics 101.


The Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie" ----- Original Message ----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 9:45 PM Subject: Re: ugnet_: Obote2 and Luwero

In a message dated 11/3/2003 9:16:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Not only that Mr. Nyange, it is also a matter between all Ugandans and UPU.
UPC has a lot of skelletons in her cupboard and is yet to face up with her
ugly past which includes taking responsibility for her past ills, after
which a new chapter can be opened, for her future.

Absolute nonsense rubbish .. Total hullabaloo... to put it mildly. If, as you say, the UPC has a lot of "skeletons" in her cupboard, then the most civilized move on your part (I mean the movement) would be to charge the UPC for such crimes before the Courts in Uganda. Right netters......what is our friend waiting for?...

Let the courts expose the said "skeleton" for the people of Uganda to see . Of course you do realize that such move would require that you must have impeccable evidence which you can present to the judges in the court of law.

On the contrary the UPC is ready to take all you people (NRM goons rather..) to courts and provide proof that the movement and YOweri Museveni has carried out numerous atrocities against Ugandans in Luwero and now in Northern and Eastern Uganda.


>From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Obote2 and Luwero
>Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 17:51:04 -0500
> The writer should realise that this matter is between Buganda and UPC.
>Its not Acholi Vs Buganda. UPC was ruling and its armed wing\ army was UNLA
>whose majority happened to be Acholi. It was the policy of UPC to carry out
>the massacre described in the article, not Acholi's policy. It was the
>policy of the UPC piliticians their armed wing, not the ordinary Acholis.
>As I've always said, the dialog should be between Baganda leaders and UPC.
>>From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: ugnet_: Obote2 and Luwero
>>Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2003 16:27:07 -0500
>>...................................................... Despite all of
>>these mitigating factors, many Ugandans hold mainly the Acholi responsible
>>for the Luwero atrocities because of the high proportion of Acholis in the
>>armed forces at that time. While almost all Acholis deny such
>>responsibility, a few Acholi elders nonetheless assert that the time has
>>come for a dialogue with Baganda leaders, with the aim of reconciling what
>>had occurred there. In a way which way difficult to pinpoint, they believe
>>such a dialogue might help create conditions to end the current war in
>>Acholi, even though the present conflict does not appear to directly
>>involve the Baganda people. A few Acholi were said to believe that the
>>spirits of some Luwero victims – for example, of a pregnant Baganda woman
>>who was killed and mutilated in a particularly unspeakable way – are
>>exacting revenge by causing or prolonging the current Acholi war.

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